השתתפות בקהילה

מועדון השקעות


nT-Tao Compact Fusion Power

nT-Tao is building a compact fusion reactor that will generate 10-20 MW of electricity. The reactor is highly scalable and will be about the size of a shipping container, ensuring clean fusion energy wherever needed. nT-Tao’s unique solution relies on a proprietary plasma heating method which is expected to reach 1000 times higher density than other fusion reactors, thereby making its fusion reaction 1 million times more effective. nT-Tao’s mission is to develop a unique nuclear fusion technology that will enable the world to transition toward a cleaner, decarbonized, sustainable, and democratized future.

Field of work: Distributed Energy

Year established: 2019

Location: Hod HaSharon

CEO name: Oded Gour-Lavie

Funding stage: Round A

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